Top 10 Beginner Mistakes in Getting Over It and How to Avoid Them

Beginners need special attention before playing Getting Over It. This game is designed in such a way that every stage requires a different mindset. You can’t apply the same strategies to different levels.

Swinging the hammer too quickly won’t always work and will eventually leave you frustrated and stuck. It’s always recommended to learn from the mistakes of others.

Here are the top 10 beginner mistakes in Getting Over It players usually make while playing and how you can avoid them:

1. Rushing Through the Game

Do you think speeding through the game will work for you? You’re wrong—it won’t help, not even in the early stages. Getting Over It is designed to punish players who rush, You will eventually not go far in this game with this mindset.

Instead, take the time to understand the mechanics of the hammer and how it interacts with the environment. In this game, precise movements matter a lot, and the hammer is your best buddy.

2. Relying Too Much on Resetting

Another mistake players usually make is constantly resetting after falling or failing a move. Listen! This will not work—not just for Getting Over It but for any game. You should not rely too much on resetting the game. Each reset wastes your time and takes away valuable practice.

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It’s very important to build muscle memory and learn the game’s rhythm, especially if you are playing for the first time. You have to commit to full runs, even if you fall or mess up. Remember, each run improves your control over the game.

3. Ignoring Hammer Physics

Mastering the hammer is essential, which is why we’re emphasizing it. The only weapon you have in this game is your hammer. If you don’t have a full grasp of your hammer movements, you’re not going to progress in this game. Don’t swing it wildly—it will cause you to lose control, as players often do in frustration.

The hammer allows you to swing and push, so spend time practicing deliberate movements. Learn the hammer’s range and how to grip surfaces securely. The more you master it, the easier this game will become for you.

Beginners often make the mistake of keeping the hammer too close to their character, restricting movement. Instead, use the extended hammer technique, particularly in narrow or tight sections like the construction wall. Keep the hammer tip far from you to improve your control.

4. Overcomplicating the Pogo Jumps

The core mechanic in Getting Over It APK is the pogo jump. I’ve noticed that beginners often overcomplicate it.

Have you seen one such area where this occurs? It might be in the barrel section. Players usually try to pogo off the barrel, but this technique often leads to unbalanced movements, making it harder to regain control.

One way to overcome this is to skip the barrel section entirely by swinging your hammer below the coffee rock. This approach will give you much better control and the speed you need.

5. Focusing Too Much on Progress

Focusing too much on progress will not work; it will lead to frustration when you inevitably fall. We recommend shifting your focus from instant progress to skill improvement.

Beginner Mistakes in Getting Over It

When you fall, you get the opportunity to refine your technique. When you focus on learning rather than progress, the progress will come eventually.

6. Struggling with the Lamps

The lamp section can be tricky for beginners. Players often fail to time their movements correctly, leading to slow progression. The first step is to learn how to pogo directly up to the first lamp. Alternatively, positioning yourself next to the rock can give you a better angle to swing toward the lamps. Try to focus on a simple, controlled pogo to the first lamp, and use the wall next to the rock to swing yourself toward it. You don’t need to rush while doing this.

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7. Misjudging the Camera Angles

Misjudging the camera angles can cause you to miscalculate your movements. Be aware of how the camera adjusts to your position. Try to utilize visual landmarks, or avoid making major moves when the camera is in transition.

Also read: What Is The Best Sensitivity For Getting Over It?

8. Not Utilizing the Slide Skip Technique

Slide skip is one of the most important techniques in Getting Over It. You have to position your hammer on the roof, curl yourself in tight, and use the mini wall for a quick hop. It’s one of the fastest ways to get past tricky sections, like the slide skip segment.

9. Falling into Furniture Land

Furniture Land is a dense and tight section, and this area requires your special attention. Players usually rush through this area without careful control, making unintentional jumps.

In this section, we recommend going slow and controlled. Use the extended hammer trick, be careful with each move, and try not to bounce off the surface.

10. Getting Stuck in Orange Hell

Orange Hell is one of the most difficult sections. One of the biggest issues here is the speed at which players attempt the jumps. Rushing through it leads to mistakes. Try to move slowly and commit to the movements. If you fall, resist the urge to climb back up. Take your time and don’t rush.


We have gone through the top 10 mistakes in Getting Over It and ways to avoid them. This game may be frustrating at times, but with practice, you can avoid the common beginner mistakes that slow down your progress.

By mastering key techniques such as the extended hammer trick, slide skip, and controlled pogo jumps, you’ll find yourself climbing the mountain more efficiently. Keep in mind that consistency and patience are key—don’t rush through sections, and don’t be afraid of falling. Each failure is an opportunity to learn and improve.